Géomédia MEDIA vidéos

Structure and Dynamics of Media Flows – vidéos en ligne

Retrouvez en ligne toutes les vidéos des communications présentées lors de cet atelier de clôture du projet ANR Corpus Géomédia.
ANR Corpus Geomedia concluding workshop – Structure and Dynamics of Media Flows
Report on the project and its concluding workshop
Stream A - Media Studies

Chair: Dario Compagno
Coordinators: Benjamin Loveluck & Marta Severo

Predicting Information Flow across National Borders. From Mass Media to Social Media by Denis Wu (Boston University)
International News Flow Online: Global Views with Local Perspective by Elad Segev (Tel Aviv University)
Diversity and Flows of Online News. Learnings from the Ipri and OTMedia Research Projects by Franck Rebillard (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Studying the International Media Space in the Internet Age by Benjamin Loveluck (CERSA) & Marta Severo (GERiiCO)
Stream B - Computer Science

Coordinators: Yves Demazeau, Robin Lamarche-Perrin & Jean-Marc Vincent

Study of International News using Complex Network Analysis and Data-mining Methods by Jaroslaw Kozlak (AGH University of Science and Technology)
Modelling the Spatio-temporal Evolution of Media Events: A Hidden Markov Model Approach by Angelica Studeny (Inria)
Geomedia’s Cube: A Multiscale Analysis of Media Coverage in Space and Time? by Robin Lamarche-Perrin (LIP6)

RSS Flows, World Structure & Community Detection by François Queyroi (Géographie-cités) & Laurent Beauguitte (IDEES)

Stream C - Geography and Politics

Coordinators: Arnaud Brennetot & Sophie de Ruffray

Media Discourse and Public Perception: Envisioning Trajectories by Emeline Comby (ENS de Lyon)
Comprendre les faits du monde et leurs évolutions à travers la presse quotidienne : du global (changement climatique) au local (conflits d’usage), by Anne Gassiat (Irstea, ETBX)
Earthquakes International Media Coverage in the Digital Ageby Maud Devès (IPGP), Marion Le Texier (Université du Luxembourg) & Elias Mahi (CIST)
Regionalisation of the World by Media Flows by Claude Grasland (Géographie-cités) & Sophie de Ruffray (IDEES)
Stream D - Media Studies (2)

Chair: Denis Teyssou
Coordinators: Claude Grasland

“What’s Going on out There”: Text Mining for Global Event Monitoring by Vanni Zavarella (EMM)
Focus sur l’international à la télévision française by Dominique Fackler (INA)
Media Coverage versus Reality: Ebola case by Agnès Saulnier (INA)
Introduction & conclusion
Opening Session by Claude Grasland (Géographie-cités – CIST), coordinateur scientifique du projet
Concluding remarks by Nicolas Hervé (INA) & Claude Grasland (Géographie-cités & CIST, scientific coordinator of the Geomedia project)
Tools presentations

Coordinators: Hugues Pecout & Robin Lamarche-Perrin

Geomediatic Barometer tool presentation by Daniele Ciminieri & Paolo Ciuccarelli (Density Design Lab/Politecnico du Milano)
Geomedia Event Xplorer tool presentation by Claude Grasland (Géographie-cités) – developed by Nicolas Lambert & Timothée Giraud (RIATE), Claude Grasland (Géographie-cités) & Hugues Pecout (CIST)
The EMM Family of Applications by Vanni Zavarella (EMM)