1st Odycceus Review


28 février 2018    
09:30 - 15:00


La rencontre se tient à DigitYser à Bruxelles selon le programme suivant.

10:00 – 10:20
Meeting of the Project Officer (PO) with the reviewers

10:20 – 11:15
Project presentation 1
– Introduction and Overview – Eckehard (15 minutes)
– WP1 Deliverable D1.1 Projective Games – Marco (15 minutes)
– WP1 + WP2 Deliverable D1.2 The geometry of political discourse + Deliverable D2.1 Opinion dynamics on abstract conceptual spaces – Sven (25 min)

11:30 – 12:35
Project presentation 2
– WP6 (Data management) and WP9 (Ethics) – Richard (15 minutes)
– WP4 Penelope Blue and Green Book – Luc (15 minutes)
– Progress report WP3 – Katrien (10 minutes)
– Progress report WP5 – Justus (10 minutes)
– Opinion observatory pilot – Robin (15 minutes)

12:35 – 12:55
Discussion of the presentations

13:40 – 14:00
Innovation potential of Odycceus with overview of possible exploitable innovations

14:00 – 14:45
Discussion between reviewers and the PO

13:45 – 14:00
Initial feedback and closing

Présentation du contrat H2020 Odycceus
