7 Structuring Themes for an Interdisciplinary Approach

L’inscription aux axes est ouverte à tous les chercheur.e.s et acteurs des territoires, qu’ils soient membres ou non des équipes composant le CIST.

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The A&T axis, initiated at the end of 2014, aims to study the processes of territorialisation based on a reflection on the effects of individual and collective actions and their relations with the recomposition of public action. It is therefore a question of maintaining a space for debate, reflection, exchange and capitalisation on these themes within the CIST, based on a connection and comparison of the research work developed within the member laboratories. Reflection on the spatial and/or territorial effects of actions (individual, collective or public) constitutes a necessary level of questioning for the construction of territorial sciences anchored within the most contemporary debates of social sciences.

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Territorial information is an essential and cross-cutting activity of the CIST, which must intersect with that of the other themes. The axis proposes to explore the stakes and questions raised by the diversification of local data sources, whether they are generated by the digital revolution (social media, mobile telephony...), by the increasingly fine resolution of technical sensors, by the movement to open up data (open data portals) or by the development of participatory sciences and citizen sensors.

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The general objective of the Media and Territories research area is to make an original contribution to developing digital humanities via a spatial and temporal analysis of information flows transmitted by the media (traditional and new media) in order to examine the territorialities that they transmit or reveal at different levels, from very local to very global, including regional and international.

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Since the creation of the CIST, the main objective of the Mobility, identities and territories axis has been to question the articulation between territories and identities in a context of increasing complexity of individual journeys.

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Forts de paléoenvironnementalistes et de géoarchéologues aux compétences multiples (géomorphologie, sédimentologie, micromorphologie, géochimie, malacologie, palynologie, phytolithologie…), les trois laboratoires porteurs de ce projet de nouvel axe apparaissent en pointe au niveau nationale pour fédérer les équipes travaillant sur les relations entre les sociétés anciennes et leur environnement. Il s’agit d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les interrelations sociétés-environnement (construction des paysages, utilisations des ressources, risques) en accordant un intérêt particulier à l’exploitation des ressources environnementales et aux modalités d’évolution des pratiques et des modes de gestion des sociétés du début de l’agriculture jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

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The REMOC axis (Regionalisation, MOndialisation, Circulations) aims to clarify the interactions between flows, networks and circulations understood as constitutive of regionalisation and globalisation by integrating the effects of borders. Its originality is to focus the study of these processes on the active margins of Europe, on both sides of the EU limits, from a bottom-up and stakeholders approach. This axis brings together two scientific communities through a common methodological framework, the one working on the Mediterranean worlds and the one following the future of the mediterranean, central or eastern Europes.

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Territories play an important role in the cross-cutting approach to health in order to characterise and understand the health level of individuals and populations, identify and analyse the combination of factors leading to a health situation, implement health and medico-social systems or identify alerts and prevent risks of contagion.

The CONFLICTS and compromises of the territorialised globalisation theme merged in 2015 into the Mobility and Regionalisation axes.

Avec son projet 2019-2023, un renouvellement des axes s’est opéré, avec la refondation de l’axe REGIONALISATIONS in the world in REMOC, and the disappearance of 3 themes:
AGRICULTURES, territories and sustainable development
BIODIVERSITY and territories
RISKS and territories.

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