Risks & Territories

The Risks and Territories area focuses on the interference between natural and social dynamics. The “global” risk chain approach needs to be opened out into two areas: (i) disciplinary – the natural risks approach is often shut into a discipline, despite the fact that exchange is indispensible between geologists, land planners, sociologists, historians and engineers (issue of network vulnerability) if we want to understand the interaction between the biophysical elements at work, the history of social practices and territorial management; (ii) between research and territorial development stakeholders.

Characterization of Submersion Risks on Sensitive SItes

This programme aims to propose an integrated and operational approach to the risk of marine submersion on a coastal town, Port-La-Nouvelle, which is the site of strong urban and industrial challenges (6 SEVESO-listed installations) and where the marine submersion risk is particularly high.
This project is run by a multi-disciplinary team involving geographers, modellers, ocean engineers and industrial risk specialists.

Rendez-vous de l’axe entre 2011 et 2016
