The Conflicts and Compromises of Territorialised Globalisation focus area studies the territorialised forms taken by institutional conflicts and compromises between those involved in globalisation.
Globalisation raises new territorial challenges (expanding transnational networks, large multi-nation regions, etc.). The political standards in force (prevalence of national standards and western standards) are called into question. The increasing complexity of production results in a new need for coordination that involves territorial governance.
Globalisation has the effect of multiplying the stakeholders in this governance (new standard-producers, new public-private relations, user participation in managing common goods, etc.).
These new governance challenges (conflicts and compromises between the many stakeholders, legitimacy of these stakeholders, competition between standards according to cultural context, effectiveness of public action and new local and international regulations) can be better understood by testing them on a geographic object that is symptomatic of the new territorial challenges, i.e. the greater European region (the EU and its eastern and Mediterranean neighbours).
Sur le plan disciplinaire, l’axe mobilise en particulier la géographie, la sociologie de l’action publique, l’économie (notamment l’approche interdisciplinaire de l’école de la régulation) et l’histoire économique.