
Life of the research themes

CIST research federation renewed its research themes at the time of its own renewal at the end of 2018.

For 2019-2023, the CIST will organise its activities around 7 structuring research themes, which will be subject to a mid-term evaluation:

  • Actions & Territorialisations (A&T)
  • Local Territorial Information (INFTER)
  • Medias and Territories (MEDIA)
  • Mobilities, Identities and Territories (MIT)
  • Territories on the Long Run (PAST)
  • Regionalisations, Globalisations, Circulations (REMOC)
  • Territories and Health (SANTE)

3 axes did not continue their activities for this new five-year period (Agricultures, Territories & Sustainable DevelopmentBiodiversity & TerritoriesRisks & Territories) and part of the Regionalisations in the World theme was taken over by REMOC.
The theme Conflicts & Compromises of Territorialised Globalisation merged in 2015 into the Mobility and Regionalisation axes.
