CIST conference

CIST2020 – programme

Wednesday November 18th, 2020

10:00 – 10:30

Conference Opening – Magda TOMASINI (Ined) & Yann RICHARD (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

10:30 – 12:00

Opening Lecture - Ancrages territoriaux, dynamiques temporelles et mobilités [Territorial Anchors, Temporal Dynamics and Mobility - Paul-André Rosental] – Paul-André Rosental (Sciences Po, CHSP) – Chair: Alain Blum (Ined-UR12, EHESS)

13:30 – 15:00

  • Session N – Time Geography: 50 Years of Thinking about Population, Time and Territories – Facilitators: Sonia CHARDONNEL (PACTE) & Christina LINDKVIST (Malmö University, Sweden)

  • Session P1 – Movements of Plants and People and the Question of Territorial Rootedness – Facilitators: Irène DOS SANTOS (Urmis), Laure EMPERAIRE (IRD), Dominique JUHÉ-BEAULATON (Centre Alexandre Koyré), Romain SIMENEL (IRD) & Emilie STOLL (LC2S)

  • Varia 1

  • Varia 2

15:15 – 16:45

  • Session L1 – Demographic Transitions and Territories. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives – Facilitators: Mélanie BOURGUIGNON, Yoann DOIGNON, Thierry EGGERICKX & Jean-Paul SANDERSON (Centre de recherche en démographie, UCLouvain, Belgium)

  • Session P2 – Movements of Plants and People and the Question of Territorial Rootedness – Facilitators: Irène DOS SANTOS (Urmis), Laure EMPERAIRE (IRD), Dominique JUHÉ-BEAULATON (Centre Alexandre Koyré), Romain SIMENEL (IRD) & Emilie STOLL (LC2S)

  • Session J1 – Local Public Policies Faced with Household Timescales. Towards Cooperation between Ethnographers, Economists, Historians and Geographers – Facilitators: Eleonora ELGUEZABAL (INRA-Cesaer), Olivia VIEUJEAN (EHESS-CMH) & Florence WEBER (PSL-ENS-CMH)

  • Session C1 – Health Inequalities: Understand the Spatial and Temporal Logics of Changes in Health – Facilitators: Guillaume CHEVILLARD (Irdes) & Stéphane RICAN (Ladyss)

17:00 – 19:00

  • Session L2 – Demographic Transitions and Territories. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives – Facilitators: Mélanie BOURGUIGNON, Yoann DOIGNON, Thierry EGGERICKX & Jean-Paul SANDERSON (Centre de recherche en démographie, UCLouvain, Belgium)

  • Session J2 – Local Public Policies Faced with Household Timescales. Towards Cooperation between Ethnographers, Economists, Historians and Geographers – Facilitators: Eleonora ELGUEZABAL (INRA-Cesaer), Olivia VIEUJEAN (EHESS-CMH) & Florence WEBER (PSL-ENS-CMH)

  • Session C2 – Health Inequalities: Understand the Spatial and Temporal Logics of Changes in Health – Facilitators: Guillaume CHEVILLARD (Irdes) & Stéphane RICAN (Ladyss)

Thursday November 19th, 2020

08:30 – 10:00

  • Session M – Living in In-Between Spaces. Ranges of Experience and Horizons of Expectation in Intermediate Spaces – Facilitators: Denis ECKERT (Centre Marc Bloch, Germany) & Béatrice VON HIRSCHHAUSEN (Géographie-cités)

  • Session B1 – The Creative Edges of Globalisation: Spaces, Processes, Flows – Facilitators: Pierre BERGEL (ESO), Emmanuelle BOULINEAU (EVS), Lydia COUDROY DE LILLE (EVS) & Leïla VIGNAL (ESO)

  • Session Q1 – 2020: Pace of Life and Urban Rhythms. What Prospects for Urban Time Policies? – Facilitators: Guillaume DREVON (EPFL, Switzerland) & Emmanuel MUNCH (LVMT)

  • Session I1 – Urban Wastelands: Spaces of Innovation or Times for Conflicts? – Facilitators: Francesca DI PIETRO (Université de Tours), Sarah DUBEAUX (ENS) & Cécile MATTOUG (Géographie-cités)

10:30 – 12:00

  • Session G1 – Small and Medium-Sized Cities, Services and Territories: An International Perspective – Facilitators: Sophie BAUDET-MICHEL (Géographie-cités), Sophie BUHNIK (MFJ Tokyo, Japan), Emmanuèle CUNNINGHAM-SABOT (ENS), Victoria PINONCELY (ENS), Hélène ROTH (Territoires) & Manuel WOLFF (Humboldt-Universität, Germany)

  • Session B2 – The Creative Edges of Globalisation: Spaces, Processes, Flows – Facilitators: Pierre BERGEL (ESO), Emmanuelle BOULINEAU (EVS), Lydia COUDROY DE LILLE (EVS) & Leïla VIGNAL (ESO)

  • Session Q2 – 2020: Pace of Life and Urban Rhythms. What Prospects for Urban Time Policies? – Facilitators: Guillaume DREVON (EPFL, Switzerland) & Emmanuel MUNCH (LVMT)

  • Session I2 – Friches urbaines : le temps de veille propice à l’innovation méthodologique et l’expérimentation pédagogique – Co-porteures : Francesca DI PIETRO (Université de Tours), Sarah DUBEAUX (ENS) & Cécile MATTOUG (Géographie-cités)

12:15 – 13:15

Donner à voir le quotidien des villes avec le Mobiliscope. Présentation de l’outil et retours d’expériences
After a short presentation of Mobiliscope, cette session sera l’occasion d’échanger avec différents acteurs locaux sur la prise en compte du temps du quotidien dans leurs métiers et leurs territoires d’intervention ainsi que sur les données et outils qu’ils utilisent (et ceux qui leur font défaut).
Session coordinated by Julie VALLÉE (CNRS, Géographie-cités) with the participation of Catherine DAMERON (Bureau des temps, Rennes), Yohann MANSIAUX (Centre usages, valorisation et diffusion de la donnée, Bordeaux Métropole), Marc SAINTE-CROIX (Agence d’urbanisme région nîmoise et alésienne)

13:30 – 15:00

Session COVID 1 – Territorial Sciences and Covid-19
Chair: Romain LAJARGE & Anne RUAS
With interventions from Philippe TERRAL (Université Toulouse 3) & Marie GAILLE (SPHERE) ; Arnaud BANOS & Emmanuel ELIOT (IDEES), Julie VALLÉE (Géographie-cités)

15:15 – 16:45

  • Session G2 – Small and Medium-Sized Cities, Services and Territories: An International Perspective – Facilitators: Sophie BAUDET-MICHEL (Géographie-cités), Sophie BUHNIK (MFJ Tokyo, Japan), Emmanuèle CUNNINGHAM-SABOT (ENS), Victoria PINONCELY (ENS), Hélène ROTH (Territoires) & Manuel WOLFF (Humboldt-Universität, Germany)

  • Session A1 – Island time. Island Territories from Different Temporal Perspectives – Facilitators: Eva LELIÈVRE (Ined), Celio SIERRA-PAYCHA (Cridup) & Loïc TRABUT (Ined)

  • Session H1 – New Systems of Regionalisation. The Latin American Laboratory – Facilitators: Silvina Cecilia CARRIZO (CONICET, Universidad nacional de la Plata, Argentina), Christian GIRAULT (CREDA), Laetitia PERRIER BRUSLÉ (Loterr–Prodig), Aldomar RÜCKERT (UFRGS, Brazil), Roberto UEBEL (UFRGS, Brazil) & Sébastien VELUT (IHEAL)

  • CANCELLED – Promenade urbaine – La Plaine, des friches au campus universitaire : tensions d’un territoire en mutation (session I) – La Plaine Saint-Denis and Aubervilliers, a territory that has been neglected for a long time, is now undergoing major conversion to become a new centre for the tertiary sector and university research. The urban walk will offer an opportunity to meet researchers, residents and professionals from associations involved in the transformation of the area, as they explore the wastelands, traces of former campsites, squats, temporary occupations and building sites. The urban walk is part of session I, Urban Wastelands: Spaces of Innovation or Times for Conflicts?

17:00 – 19:00

  • Session G3 – Small and Medium-Sized Cities, Services and Territories: An International Perspective – Facilitators: Sophie BAUDET-MICHEL (Géographie-cités), Sophie BUHNIK (MFJ Tokyo, Japan), Emmanuèle CUNNINGHAM-SABOT (ENS), Victoria PINONCELY (ENS), Hélène ROTH (Territoires) & Manuel WOLFF (Humboldt-Universität, Germany)

  • Session A2 – Island time. Island Territories from Different Temporal Perspectives – Facilitators: Eva LELIÈVRE (Ined), Celio SIERRA-PAYCHA (Cridup) & Loïc TRABUT (Ined)

  • Session H2 – New Systems of Regionalisation. The Latin American Laboratory – Facilitators: Silvina Cecilia CARRIZO (CONICET, Universidad nacional de la Plata, Argentina), Christian GIRAULT (CREDA), Laetitia PERRIER BRUSLÉ (Loterr–Prodig), Aldomar RÜCKERT (UFRGS, Brazil), Roberto UEBEL (UFRGS, Brazil) & Sébastien VELUT (IHEAL)

  • Session I3 – Urban Wastelands: Spaces of Innovation or Times for Conflicts? – Facilitators: Francesca DI PIETRO (Université de Tours), Sarah DUBEAUX (ENS) & Cécile MATTOUG (Géographie-cités)

Friday November 20th, 2020

08:30 – 10:00

  • Session D1 – Territorial Reforms: A Balance between Resilience and Innovation. Which Timescale for which Populations? – Facilitator: Sylvia BRUNET (CUREJ)

  • Session F1 – Territories in the Long Run. Long-Term Evolution of Territories and Settlements – Facilitators Damase MOURALIS (IDEES), Julie GRAVIER (Géographie-cités), Maria Elena CASTIELLO (University of Bern, Switzerland) & Dominique TODISCO (IDEES)

  • Session K1 – Investigating Health Care Territorialisation: Steps, Actors, Changes – Facilitators: Emmanuel ELIOT (IDEES-Rouen) & Véronique LUCAS-GABRIELLI (Irdes)

  • Session E1 – Individual and Territorial Trajectories: Longitudinal Approaches and Interactions – Facilitators: Catherine BONVALET (Ined), Christophe IMBERT (IDEES) & Guillaume LE ROUX (Ined)

10:30 – 12:00

  • Session D2 – Territorial Reforms: A Balance between Resilience and Innovation. Which Timescale for which Populations? – Facilitator: Sylvia BRUNET (CUREJ)

  • Session F2 – Territories in the Long Run. Long-Term Evolution of Territories and Settlements – Facilitators Damase MOURALIS (IDEES), Julie GRAVIER (Géographie-cités), Maria Elena CASTIELLO (University of Bern, Switzerland) & Dominique TODISCO (IDEES)

  • Session K2 – Investigating Health Care Territorialisation: Steps, Actors, Changes – Facilitators: Emmanuel ELIOT (IDEES-Rouen) & Véronique LUCAS-GABRIELLI (Irdes)

  • Session E2 – Individual and Territorial Trajectories: Longitudinal Approaches and Interactions – Facilitators: Catherine BONVALET (Ined), Christophe IMBERT (IDEES) & Guillaume LE ROUX (Ined)

14:00 – 15:30

Session COVID 2 – Territorial Sciences and Covid-19
Chair: Pierre BECKOUCHE
With interventions from David CHAVALARIAS (CAMS) ; Pierre-Alexandre BEYLIER & Véronique MOLINARI (ILCEA4) ; Aurélie DELAGE & Max ROUSSEAU (ART-Dev)

15:30 – 16:00

Conference Speech

Read the programme
