Further steps for territorial analysis in the wider region Europe + Neighbourhoods


27 novembre 2014    
09:30 - 19:00


This ITAN dissemination event takes place in Salo de Graus, Facultat de Dret, University of Barcelona, Diagonal 684, in Barcelona, as part of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders

This dissemination event of ITAN project aims at presenting the main results of the project focusing on the Mediterranean area, as well as its main policy recommendations.

Objectives of the event

– Presenting the main results of the ITAN project on the Mediterranean Neighbourhoods, including innovative maps of the whole region (Europe + South and Eastern Mediterranean countries) at the local scale (governorates) : demographic and economic local growth, foreign direct investments at local scale, transport accessibility and connectivity of the Neighbour territories, international openness of the local territories, etc.
– Presenting the main policy recommendations of the ITAN project : transport, energy, agriculture and rural development, water and sanitation, decentralised cooperation
– Setting up a long-term network for scientific cooperation on Neighbourhoods territorial issues
– Promoting a new project on local territories database, associating statistics bodies and researchers of the wider region Europe + Neighbourhoods

