ESPON internal seminar – Territories Acting for Economic Growth – Using territorial evidence to meet challenges towards 2020


4 décembre 2014 - 5 décembre 2014    


This seminar takes place in the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports, via Nomentana 2, Rome, Italy

This year’s internal seminar in Rome will in particular focus on ESPON 2013 Programme results in relation to thematic priorities of the current Trio of EU Presidency countries, Italy, Latvia and Luxembourg.

The seminar will address themes and integrated approaches that can stimulate territories, regions and cities in providing the necessary contributions to economic growth. In doing so, it will also look towards the long term future of the European territory.

Marta Severo, responsible for the Feasibility study on Big data project, will intervene during the Plenary session 3 « Progress on ESPON tools » (05/12 at 9h00)
European policy orientations for the development of the European territory need data, tools and monitoring for policy-makers to become informed, whether their policy aims are to be fulfilled or not. The same is the case for territorial policies and strategies at other levels.
ESPON has made progress on big data, tools for territorial impact assessment and territorial monitoring. The territorial monitoring covers the entire Europe and a first effort has been made to provide a macro-regional setting with tailor-made territorial monitoring systems, a test case being the Baltic Sea Region.

