Cette journée de clôture du PEPS Itinéraires culturels numériques (Université de Lille 3 & CNRS) se déroule :
– à l’espace Baïetto à la MESHS de Lille (le matin)
– s. 628 (6e étage) dans le bâtiment Olympe de Gouges du Campus Paris Diderot (l’après-midi)
[sur inscription]
Programme de l’après-midi à Paris
– 15h00 – Accueil des participants et présentation du projet, Marta Severo, Université de Lille
– 15h15 – Les itinéraires culturels européens, Philippe-Denis Fée, ministère de la Culture
– 15h30 – Histograph: Towards a social-spatial understanding of collective memories, Catherine Jones et Daniele Guido, University of Luxembourg
– 16h15 – Table ronde – Pistes de recherche et développement pour la Via Francigena, avec les chercheurs du projet PEPS Itinéraires culturels numériques, et Luca Bruschi, Christian Schuele, Massimo Tedeschi (représentants de l’Association européenne des chemins de la Via Francigena), Martine Gautheron (conseillère municipale référente « Via Francigena » Champlitte), Patrice Souc (Fédération française de randonnées pédestres)
– 17h45 – Conclusions, Massimo Tedeschi, Association européenne des chemins de la Via Francigena
– 18h00 – Cocktail de clôture
Histograph: Towards a social-spatial understanding of collective memories
This communication presents the results of the development of an exploratory prototype tool which delivers a dynamic qualitative querying and linked visualisation explorer for the investigation of social-spatial co-occurrence networks. Using a case study based on the Via Francigena cultural route, we examine how the prototype enables the critical evaluation of both: (1) the workflow and (2) the data. The tool makes use of Instagram messages, tagged with derivatives of the #viafrancigena hashtag in Italian, French and English, as a potential source for collective memory making. We consider the strengths and weakness of extending an existing tool developed for co-occurrence analysis of historical resources within the humanities (histograph.eu) to facilitate social and spatial enquiries that could enhance our ability to explore collective memories associated with cultural routes as mediated through social network technology.
Catherine (Kate) Jones is interested in the development of useful and usable tools for social-spatial and historical data analysis to enable meaningful narrative making. She has unique interdisciplinary perspective combining experience with GIS and Digital Humanities to explore spatial history. She joined the University of Luxembourg in July 2016 following a few years as Digital Humanities Lab coordinator at the CVCE also in Luxembourg working on projects associated with ePublications, digital editions and user engagement. She is a co-investigator for the H2020 Crosscult Project –working on a pilot 4 to develop a geo-located game for reflective history. She studied for an MSc in Geographical Information Systems at University College London in 2002 and went on to complete a Knowledge Transfer Partnership, PhD and Post Doc at the same university, with a focus on interdisciplinary research for social and spatial data analysis now and in the past. This led her to the University of Portsmouth as Senior Lecturer in Human Geography where she was project director for the successful bombsight.org project.
Daniele Guido is a designer and full-stack developer specialising in data visualisation and digital methods with a hybrid background in Fine Art (Fine Art Brera Academy, Milan, 2006) and Design (MSc in Communication Design, Politecnico di Milano, 2009). He spent several years at the medialab Sciences Po in Paris, where he helped to develop experimental web applications and tools applied to text analysis, data visualisation, collaborative writing and enhanced scholarly publications for social sciences, among which the front-end interface of the EU-funded project AIME (the AIME platform modesofexistence.org), also in collaboration with the designers of the Density Design Lab team, Politecnico di Milano. He joined the CVCE Digital Humanities Lab team in March 2015 as responsible for the design and development of Histograph, an open source platform for the graph-based exploration and crowd-based indexation of multimedia collections. At the DH Lab he experimented with new and emerging technologies for graph databases, real-time interactions in web application, name entity extraction and disambiguation tools, network visualisation, geographic visualisation, text analysis. As part of the DEIS team -once the CVCE joined the University of Luxembourg- he designed paper and mobile prototypes for a mobile game in the built environment in the context of CROSSCULT. He is now responsible for the design and development of the web platform for enhanced publications of the RESuME project.
Présentation du projet PEPS Itinéraires culturels numériques
Le fait que le patrimoine culturel soit de plus en plus disponible en format numérique (numérisé ou nativement numérique) change la manière de le comprendre et de le représenter. Ces dernières années, de nouvelles formes de représentations des objets culturels ont été développées dans différentes disciplines. Même si nous assistons rarement à la construction de formes de représentations véritablement interdisciplinaires, le caractère commun de ces nouvelles méthodes de visualisation du territoire culturel tient au fait de croiser des éléments topographiques et des éléments topologiques.
L’objectif de ce projet est (1) d’approfondir les spécificités des deux approches et les interconnexions existantes et (2) de développer une approche croisée adaptée à la compréhension du patrimoine culturel numérique en prenant en compte en même temps son lien avec le territoire et les nouvelles relations induites par sa dimension numérique. L’analyse se concentrera sur le cas des itinéraires culturels, objet complexe du point de vue territorial, symbolique et social, et notamment celui de la Via Francigena.