Do International News Reflect World Hierarchy? A Network Approach


3 juillet 2014    
11:45 - 13:15


This presentation from Marta Severo, Hugues Pecout and Laurent Beauguitte, from results of the Geomedia project, takes place during the 1st European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN), held at the Faculty of Arts, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

The conference hosts sessions representing many fields of social network analysis. Also, 16 workshops are offered into the theory, data collection, methods of analysis and visualization of social networks. Professor Ulrik Brandes of the University of Konstanz will provide the keynote address « The Positional Turn in Social Network Analysis ». At the conference, two prices for outstanding visualization and best paper of an early career scholar will be awarded.
This European conference replaces the annual ASNA and UKSNA conference in 2014, having received a regional conference endorsement by INSNA.
In this occasion the EUSN will pay special attention to Latin American researchers on social networks in order to foster the creation of a regional conference also in Latin America.

