Odycceus Consortium Meeting


27 January 2020 - 28 January 2020    


La rencontre se tient au Institute for Advanced Study à Amsterdam selon le programme suivant.

27 janvier 2020

10:00 – 12:00
Session 1 Methods and Penelope components
Chairs: Eckehard Olbrich (WP3) and Paul van Eecke (WP4)
Eckehard Olbrich (MPG): Welcome and plan of the meeting and the sessions
– VUB about the current state of PENELOPE and components
Carlo Santagiustina (UNIVE): Automatic generation of Open-APIs for Penelope
Armin Pournaki and Eckehard Olbrich (MPG): Network and content analysis and visualization components and pipelines for PENELOPE
Claude Grasland (UPD): A pipeline of components elaborated for the analysis of news through the Who-What-When-Where conceptual framework.
– UNIVE: Component(s) for analyzing partial representations

13:00 – 15:00
Session 2 Opinion Observatories and the Facilitator
Chair: Paul van Eecke
Discussing all aspects from the components, over the observatory(-ies) to the facilitator for the climate change debate
– VUB: Introduction and current state of the climate change observatory
– Fishbowl sessions on the observatory
– Fishbowl session(s) on the facilitator
– Defining the next steps, organizing collaborations, etc.

15:30 – 17:30
Session 3 Opinion Dynamics and the impact of new social media (D1.6)
Chairs: Massimo Warglien (WP1) and Claes Anderson (WP2)
– UvA-DMI (Marc?)
Sven Banisch and Felix Gaisbauer
– Defining the next steps, organizing collaborations, etc.

28 janvier 2020

9:00 – 10:30
Session 4 General assembly
– Follow-up periodic report, 2nd review and referee report
– 2nd ODYCCEUS conference
– Artists in residence and art exhibition (D8.5)

11:00 – 12:30
Session 5 Case studies session 1 – Additional observatories for the case studies (WP4 – Paul van Eecke and WP5 – Justus Uitermark)
Armin Pournaki and Eckehard Olbrich (MPG): Observing political debates – The Twitter explorer
– UvA-S/CHALMERS: TwitterPoliticians.org
– UvA-DMI: 4CAT /Presentation of the visualization designers
Carlo Santagiustina (UNIVE): Uncertainty observatory

14:00 – 16:00
Session 6 – Case studies session 2 – Planning the further work for deliverable D5.2
(WP5 – Justus Uitermark)

16:00 – 18:00
Formal closing and informal discussion and working groups for those who stay

Presentation of H2020 Odycceus contract
