ESPON internal seminar – Territorial evidence for cohesion policy 2014-2020 and territorial agenda 2020


4 December 2013 - 5 December 2013    


This seminar takes place in Artis Centrum Hotels, Liejykos g. 11/23, in Vilnius, Lithuania

This year’s internal seminar in Vilnius will discuss the outputs delivered by ESPON 2013, and explore long-term perspectives and demands for future European territorial evidence in the light of the recent proposals to improve EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020 as well as in relation to the Territorial Agenda 2020.

Pierre Beckouche, scientific manager of ITAN projet will intervene twice during the seminar:
– Workshop 3 – Territorial integration in cross-border and transnational functional regions (04/12 at 13h30)
– Workshop 5 – Territorial connectivity for individuals, communities and enterprises (04/12 at 15h30)

The current reform foresees the concentration of investments on key themes and priorities to support the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy and thereby help return growth and competitiveness to cities and regions across Europe.
The purpose of the event is to stimulate an open dialogue between members of the ESPON Monitoring Committee, representatives of the ECP network, stakeholders from Targeted Analyses, researchers and experts involved in applied territorial research and analyses. The internal seminar provides a unique opportunity to strengthen networking and generates an equally important opportunity for an in-depth discussion on options for using the ESPON knowledge base to support territories, regions and cities in the implementation of future cohesion policy.

