AAC CIST2020 – Population, temps, territoires


24 February 2020    


The conference, coordinated by Claude GRASLAND and France GUERIN-PACE, will take place from November 18th to 21st, 2020 on the Condorcet campus (Paris-Aubervilliers).
The deadline has been postponed from January 16th to February 24th.

Télécharger l’appel à communications complet
template with instructions (docx)
fr_1.pngCall for papers (pdf)
es.pngConvocatoria a comunicaciones (pdf)

The latest in the series of CIST conferences, this 5th international conference spotlights the concept of population as a central issue in the debates within territorial sciences. The concept of population, which is central to demography and biology and more marginal for other disciplines, involves the grouping together of individual entities. Depending on the particular approach used, the preferred criterion for aggregation will be the social, territorial, biological, etc., with timescales and observation scales varying accordingly. Linking together population, time and territory in a transdisciplinary and international perspective is the main goal of this conference; beyond the fact that it represents a theoretical and methodological breakthrough, the diversity of the proposed thematic sessions is a clear sign that this trio is at the heart of contemporary issues.
The new Condorcet Campus is the ideal place to meet these needs.

« C’est une tout autre manière de faire jouer le rapport collectif/individu, totalité du corps social/fragmentation élémentaire, c’est une autre façon qui va jouer dans ce qu’on appelle la population. »
Michel Foucault, “Security, Territory, Population”, Lecture at the Collège de France on January 25th, 1978, « Sécurité, territoire, population », Leçon au collège de France du 25 janvier 1978

Paper proposals will have to fit into one of the 21 sessions below:

– Session A
Island time. Island Territories from Different Temporal Perspectives

– Session B
The Creative Edges of Globalisation: Spaces, Processes, Flows

– Session C
Health Inequalities: Understand the Spatial and Temporal Logics of Changes in Health

– Session D
Territorial Reforms: A Balance between Resilience and Innovation. Which Timescale for which Populations?

– Session E
Individual and Territorial Trajectories: Longitudinal Approaches and Interactions

– Session F
Territories in the Long Run. Long-Term Evolution of Territories and Settlements

– Session G
Small and Medium-Sized Cities, Services and Territories: An International Perspective on Urban Shrinkage

– Session H
New Systems of Regionalisation. The Latin American Laboratory

– Session I
Urban Wastelands: Spaces of Innovation or Times for Conflicts?

– Session J
Local Public Policies Faced with Household Timescales. Towards Cooperation between Ethnographers, Economists, Historians and Geographers

– Session K
Investigating Health Care Territorialisation: Steps, Actors, Changes

– Session L
Demographic Transitions and Territories. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

– Session M
Living in In-Between Spaces. Ranges of Experience and Horizons of Expectation in Intermediate Spaces

– Session N
La time-geography : 50 ans de recul d’une approche pour penser Population, Temps et Territoires

– Session O
Connecting Care Needs, Space and Places. The Role of Health Technologies

– Session P
Movements of Plants and People and the Question of Territorial Rootedness

– Session Q
2020: Pace of Life and Urban Rhythms. What Prospects for Urban Time Policies?

– Session R
Between Spaces, Time and Cultural Traditions: (Re)Thinking Prehistoric Nomadic Territories

– Session S
Web Data for Longitudinal Research on Populations and Territories

– Session T
Health Inequalities with Regard to Temporalities: From Care Trajectories to Life Trajectories

– Session U
Local Information through the Prism of Real Time

Important Dates

– Deadline for submitting proposals: February 24th, 2020, exclusively via the Submit page
– Reply from the Scientific Committee: April/May 2020.

Response Procedures

Proposals for papers should be submitted in word file on the dedicated site via la page Déposer du site dédié. They should be written in French, English or Spanish (the presentation should be in French, English or Spanish, with materials in one of the other two languages), and should conform to the available template. Proposals will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee and session co-facilitators.

Publication of Selected Papers

All accepted papers will be published on the conference website and will appear in conference proceedings, which will be available on conference opening day. They will also be deposited in Hal open archives. Session facilitators have also planned some sort of publication following the conference. In addition, conference coordinators are considering a collective publication based on the input and feedback they expect to get from session facilitators.

